Day 1: 2/20/2025 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Day 2: 2/27/2025 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Venue: Zoom
Member Rate: $205
Non-Member Rate: $300
This interactive course
builds upon the content presented in California Law Module II. Using real-life
examples and hands-on activities, you will use reserve funding plans to analyze
scenarios; budget for conversions and new construction; and develop a plan to assist
your board in making fiscally responsible financial decisions.
– Know how the board’s
assessment powers impact budgeting;
– Enhance your
understanding of the operating budgets;
– Differentiate budgets
according to CID product type and size
– Become familiar with
specific considerations when budgeting for new projects and conversions;
– Differentiate between,
and calculate, fixed and variable assessments
– Budget for troublesome
and frequently forgotten line item expenses; and
– Understand how
construction defect litigation impacts a budget
Please note:
-This is not an introductory course. Prior
completion of FIN200 is strongly recommended.