New Development Community Management (SPC440)

This course is directed to senior community managers. It provides an understanding of working relationships and processes employed in creating and transitioning developer controlled CIDs to owner involved associations. Course content focuses on Department of Real Estate (DRE) documents and regulations, start-up operations prior to the first close of escrow, phasing schedules, ongoing operations and trends in new developments.

The course provides valuable tips on working effectively with developers, establishing service provider requirements and onboarding homeowners to establish an efficiently operating homeowners association.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Describe the role of the manager when working with developer communities
  • Describe the role of the Department of Real Estate (DRE) and its regulations for new CID subdivisions
  • Identify and explain documents pertaining to subdivided lands
  • Know the required start-up operations prior to the first close of escrow
  • Set and manage expectations with the builder team, sales team and new homeowners
  • Explain the process and best practices for turnover of common amenities
  • Identify actions to take when/if the developer doesn’t complete the new development
  • Explain the ongoing operations after developer control
  • Establish positive relations between the developer and community members
  • Describe the California’s Right to Repair Act and the Construction Defect Litigation process
  • Identify trends in new community development

Who Should Take This Course?

  • Experienced CCAMs who want to earn the New Development Community Management Specialty Certificate
  • Coordinators for builder community management services
  • Managers of newly built communities
  • Management company executives who supervise others involved with new development services
  • Experienced community managers who want to expand their skills and career opportunities

Prerequisites:   None. At least two years as a CCAM is recommended.

Continuing Education Units (CEUs):   14

Course Length:   This course is made up of six, 2.5 to 3 hour sessions.


New Development Community Management

Start Date:
2025-08-06 09:00:00
End Date:
2025-08-06 11:30:00

Download a Registration Form if you prefer to email in your registration.